

 In her latest series of drawings, Louise Gardam has visualised the passage of time slowing during lockdown. The pauses in the drawings reflect the literary technique of caesura, used to emphasise the significance of time in poetry. They are like a tacet in music, an attentive space of silence. Produced within precise and self-imposed limits the drawings never lend the impression of over-determined rigour. Absolute concentration is required for each mark. Using black ink and the finest architect’s pen nib on cold-pressed paper, every line is meticulously and patiently layered.  Gossamer-thin schemes float across the pictorial surface. The fields of lines are perceptibly alive.


Quietude (2020): Drawings 1 - 10

Isograph Pen, Black Ink, 300gsm Cold-Pressed Paper,

17cm x 18cm

Photography: Francis Ware, 2020

